Aware Press

About me
I live in shake and bake country--San Fernando Valley (just outside of Los Angeles-- home of the Northridge earthquake and 100 degree (F) temperatures.

I'm in my 60's--got my PhD in psychology in my 50's--write self-help books and inspirational books.

I have 4 children and 8 grandchildren.

What I'm interested in:
  • Helping people become happier
    I write books that help people take charge of their own lives so that they can become happier, more successful, and live more fulfilling lives.
  • Grandchildren
    Grandmothers are meant for loving. Their jobs do not include teaching, training, disciplining, or any of the other jobs that belong to the parents. Their one job is to be there for their grandchildren and love them.
  • Internet
    I love to surf the internet. I look for intereting sites and help friends who are not as nerdy as I am. We have a network of five older women who keep in touch every day and who share materials we find that will interest, enlighten, or cheer up the others in the group.
My favourite links
You can email me on
[email protected]